Low Testosterone Can Wreak Havoc on Your Relationship … If You Let it

Ladies – This is Why You Need to Care About His Testosterone

 Testosterone is vital to a man’s physical and mental health! When men have low testosterone, they’re at a significantly greater risk for developing or worsening diabetes and cardiovascular disease. They’re also more likely to get anemia and osteoporosis which may lead to fatigue, fragility fractures, immobility, and a severely diminished quality of life for the both of you.

What does this have to do with you?

 There are numerous studies demonstrating the gender disparities in health status in the U.S. Most men do not seek healthcare unless they are seriously ill. This is likely in part due to a range of masculine norms that influence behavior and their perception of those who do receive care regularly.

 This is problematic because they are missing out on live-saving preventative care. And then we wonder why men are dying earlier than women. They are also more likely to have heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and much more likely to commit suicide. Regular contact with a medical provider can significantly improve their quality of life in the long term.

 With men rarely admitting they have a problem, and even less likely seeking help for said problem, I am asking you to be aware of the signs of low testosterone so that you can recognize it in your partner and encourage him to get it checked and replaced.


 Signs of Low Testosterone

Low Energy

·       Falling asleep after work

·       Struggling to make it through the day

·       Not socializing or being active like he used to be


Mental Health

·       Major cause of depression in men

·       Mood swings, anxiety, & irritability

·       Trouble concentrating

·       Insecure – low testosterone can directly and indirectly influence a man’s confidence due to the physical symptoms such as weight gain and loss of muscle mass


Physical Health

·       Weight gain

·       Man boobs

·       Decreased athletic ability

·       Decreased muscle mass

·       Physical weakness


Decreased Sex Drive

This one is huge. It’s one of the most specific signs of low testosterone and for obvious reasons, it’s detrimental to your relationship and your own mental health. When he isn’t as interested in you sexually as he once was, you’re first instinct might be to blame yourself or suspect infidelity. Don’t blame yourself! Sexual desire can be very complex; however, with Low Testosterone being as common as it is today, it is usually at least at part to blame. Luckily, it’s an easy fix!

It’s very important that you recognize when something is off about your partner and then help him get the help he needs. Because the fact is, he is not going to admit it, even to himself.

You are much more likely to recognize these subtle changes in his mental and physical health before he does.


My patients get much more than just Testosterone Replacement Therapy. They’re getting regular contact with a licensed medical provider. They’re getting screened for depression, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. I ask the same questions a primary care provider would ask during a physical, I can order the same general wellness and screening labs they need, and when I recognize something is off beyond low testosterone, I refer them, so they get the care they need.


If your partner seems off, do him and your relationship a favor by getting him to see me. My appointments are done online, I offer free consults, you can order labs directly and you don’t even need insurance. We just need to get him in the door.


Exploring the Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy and How it Works


A Disservice to Men